Therapeutic ultrasound are waves that are emitted in different frequencies (between 20 to 20,000 Hz) and are now clearly perceptive to the human ear. They are transformed into heat, thus dilating the sweat glands and the hair follicles. This causes an increase in the blood stream in the part of the body where the ultrasound was applied.
When speaking of ultrasound, two different kinds must be mentioned. The first is referred to as ‘focal’ because it is applied to only one part of the body. In this particular case, the ultrasound traverses the adipose tissue, ripping its structure but without damaging the nearby tissue. The second is referred to as ‘non-focal’ and is used for larger surfaces and is known because its vibrations less intensity.
This treatment, along with lymphatic drainage are painless, however, they cannot be used in persons with cardiovascular disease, hypersensibilities or cancer. Neither can they be applied on the abdomen of a pregnant woman or in cases of acute inflammation.
Tampoco puede ser aplicado en el abdomen de una mujer embarazada o en inflamaciones agudas.
Some of its benefits are:
- Increase in cellular permeability
- Micro massage
- Toxin release
- Metabolism acceleration
- Benefits in scarring
- Helps regenerate tissue
- Treats cellulitis
- Anti-inflammatory
- Improves skin tone