Lorena Gómez is a dermato-functional physiotherapist and an esthetician cosmetologist that specializes in plastic surgery.
She has more than 10 years of experience in the field of plastic surgery rehabilitation.
Lorena Gomez has multiple recognitions in different countries all over the word including Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Cuba and South Korea.
The link between integral aesthetics and medicine is increasing, especially in treatments for before and after cosmetic surgery.
In turn, day by day, more women and men resort to cosmetic surgery, generating a field of work for the integral beautician that must always be preceded by indications and medical control.
In a strict sense, it corresponds to the scarring secondary to any surgical operation, but the term is often used to refer to those cases in which the scarring is excessive, so that more fibrous tissue is formed than necessary. Go to certified professionals.